Friday, June 5, 2009 papa....

just now evening
my papa go ply football
then cum bek...
aiyo...his face
just now fall down...
when i saw his face
his nose RED RED jor...
then i say
[ aiyo...papa y ur face like tat ]
ans is...
[ i fall down sure like tat la ]
= =ll
papa i aso noe u fall down
i mean y u will fall down la...
later my ah ma ask me liao
[ peiyong, hami su ]
[papa , fall down ] i say in chinese la...
after tat i go to kitchen
my mami ask me again
[papa, zuo mo ]
[papa fall down lo ]
later my cousin cum
my mami tell them
they cum in n c...
after tat laugh my papa
i just can [= =ll] like tat ONI
i dunno y they wnt laugh???
wish papa can fast fast KANG FU jor...
1 person fall down aso funny ,is it?


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