Tuesday, May 26, 2009

sum happy n sum sad

today teacher gv bek Sejarah
me so sad...
all subjek me had TUI BU
tis time my mom sure scold me tiam tiam d!!!

talk with JAS,CELINE,HUI SHIN n many friends
was happy...
but talk with she...
me was unhappy
dunno y all of us was hate she now
but she think tat she is the best in our class...
so bei pai se...

sumtime she will cry (like baby)
at the REHAT
she always tell hazel
about us dun wnt chat with she
n say about our bad thg
today when we doing penbetulan
(me,celine,JAS,hazeln sum)
she cum n talk with me n celine
but me didnt ans she...
celine gt ans she gua...
after tat...
she go in front of JAS n cry
we do penbetulan didnt ans she
dunno she cry wat???!!!

my msn cant sign in so sien
just can use friendster n blogger

laugh everyday


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