Saturday, May 23, 2009

today go to ch1 hari sukan

today go to ch1 hari sukan so happy
saw many teachers...
teacher NG becum beutiful
teacher SOH becum gud...
not like last year bully ppl
teacher LOH becum beautiful too...
teacher TAN like be4 sayang me...
n many many teacher i saw at there
all teacher becum gud already...

i saw many teacher so happy
but when i saw u...
im scare to saw u...
i aso dunno y im scare u now...
but i aso happy to saw u...
u better than be4
be4 u just noe how to do me n dunno gv me wat i wnt
but now....
i call u gv me sit...
u really gv me sit
but my friend call u gv she sit
y u dun wnt gv me sit leh???
u so QI GUAI d...

i borrow u my hp...
u send my pic to ur hp...
n the pic was ugly eh...
when u borrow me ur hp
i saw tat ur message
i noe tat...
u is luv she

u dun wnt luan luan tell teacher SOH
me go beat tat ppl lo
i really didnt beat she..
i aso dunno who say tat
if u dont belive tat
then suak...
i aso cant do wat about tat
y everyone say tat i beat she n hurt she
watever la...
i aso dun care about tat

today dam tired
at there ply with my junior n U
n wish them gud luck in their exam
n all of u gt 7 A in their UPSR
n wish U
gud luck in ur exam

my exam is finish...
but i wnt go to skul to study 1 week more...
so sien in skul...
always c tat ppl...


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